Challaine’s Story

Challaine was diagnosed prenatally that she had no functioning kidneys. She was born 3 weeks early and immediately started peritoneal dialysis which only worked until she was 20 months old. She was then immediately switched to 6 months of hemodialysis. .

Numerous medical situations arose from her kidneys not functioning. Altogether Challaine has spent close to over half her life at BC Children’s Hospital and Bella Coola Hospital away from home. Dialysis is tough for anyone especially one trying to grow

Shortly after hemodialysis started we had to decide which parent would be tested first for living donor transplant matching possibility as they would only test one parent at a time. As well they hoped Challaine was finally big enough to receive an adult kidney. So Darren, Challaine’s hero – her Daddy, went first & matched! When Challaine was 26 months old, they both underwent major surgeries to successfully give Challaine her first go at life ‘dialysis free.’ a successful living Kidney Transplant. Amazing doctors/specialists/nurses/support team & prayers at BC Children’s hospital made this miracle called transplant happen. We love them forever for helping our daughter live life as close to normal as one could hope. It has absolutely changed her world.

It is also a blessing the COTS program “COTS On the Go” is doing for families such as ours. We travel from up north, Bella Coola, BC to Vancouver very often but it is usually just to cram many medical appointments into our stay. COTS has helped our family to enjoy a event to the Vancouver Aquarium with our daughter Challaine (now 3 and a half years old) on one of these trips. A very nice treat especially since our family lives on a very tight budget. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your work & kindness.

Many blessings back to this great program & staff but especially to those who donate towards COTS.

With warm hearts,

From our family

Challaine, Robbie, Rhonda & Darren


Madeline’s Story


Life After an Organ Transplant