Our 2019 Impact Report

Thank you for supporting the Children’s Organ Transplant Society of BC and helping children who are waiting for an organ transplant, and those who have had a transplant. You are making a difference in the lives of people like nine-year old Logyn Booth. At the age of two, a disease began attacking his kidneys and stealing his life away. Over a six-year period, Logyn spent about half of that in hospital. In the end, his chance at survival was a kidney transplant, which he gratefully received last year.

“We now have so many happy, healthy days that I feel I have to pinch myself,” says Logyn’s mom, Kirstin. “We will be forever grateful to the donor’s family, who made the decision to donate their loved one’s organs, but I also want to thank the Children’s Organ Transplant Society, and the generosity of its donors, who have helped make this life-altering challenge easier.”

Over the last year, we have been called upon to help more children and their families than in the
18-year history of our organization. A transplant is not a cure, as many children who receive a transplant suffer from complications and the effects of immunosuppression. Thanks to your support, we are able to jump in and help when called upon.

Over the past year, we have provided feeding tube supplies and formula for those children failing to thrive, and arranged counselling services for some children and their families, and sadly we even supported a family by paying to fly a three-month old girl’s body back to her home after passing away while waiting for a liver transplant in Edmonton.  


Many families struggle financially while taking time off work to care for their sick children. We can help by offering hospital parking passes, food vouchers, and medications and vitamins not covered by insurance. Without the Children’s Organ Transplant Society, these children and their families would struggle more than they already do.

For many of us, a childhood memory is going to summer camp. Most camps can be expensive for any family, but a camp dedicated to the needs of transplant children is even more so. With your support, and the generosity we saw at our annual golf tournament, we were able to raise $7,500 to send seven children to camp this summer. We have more deserving children and youth who would like to attend camp. Our hope is to raise additional funds over the next year to fulfill their dreams. The connections and friendships that the children make are invaluable to their well-being and feeling that they have support of their peers.

Over the past year, you have helped more than 423 children and their families across BC. As donors and supporters, you don’t always get to see the impact you are making, but know that you’ve helped bring a smile to a young a person and eased the burden of a parent.

Thank you.


Our 2020 Ambassador: Laurel