A Summer of New Beginnings: Catching Up with Our 2023 Ambassador, Charlie

Hello COTS Community!

We hope everyone had a happy, safe, adventurous, and healthy summer! We cannot believe it is already September - time does fly by fast when you’re having fun. As you may know, COTS has a Youth Ambassador every year who helps us share the lived experience of the organ transplant process and its impact on the youth and their family. This past week, we enjoyed checking in with Bekah Fett - the mother of Charlie, our 2023 COTS Ambassador! We talked about all things summer-related, as well as hopes and wishes for the upcoming fall and return-to-school season. 

Charlie and her family recently moved from Langely to Mission, BC and have spent the summer learning about their newfound community. Thankfully, due to the move, Bekah now describes Charlie and her younger sister as having their “area of play now increased.” With their new home, the girls have had the opportunity to bond, learn, and adventure to new and exciting places. Charlie has also fallen in love with reading and regularly practices her literacy and vocabulary skills. Also, Charlie has continued fostering her passion for dance, and Bekah is busy looking for a dance school that Charlie can attend at the start of the fall dance season. Bekah describes Charlie’s relationship with dance, saying “it keeps the spirit going.” The entire family values art and looks forward to the opportunities and discoveries it will bring. 

While getting acquainted with their new home, the family has enjoyed exploring local farmers’ markets, observing the surrounding nature, and attending karaoke nights with local community members. Overall, this summer has been about moving, resting/relaxing, trying new things and getting used to their new home.

This September, Charlie will be entering grade 2! Bekah is hopeful and excited for Charlie to begin making friends within her new community and hopes that she will be able to connect with like-minded children on all fronts. Charlie’s younger sister will also enter a new daycare, and Bekah is incredibly excited about the nature and environmental components. 

The family is also actively looking for transplant-related and forward-thinking groups to join to build an even more understanding, supportive, and loving community backbone. Charlie and her family are ecstatic about their new home and are excited to continue building meaningful relationships and, above all, create more beautiful and long-lasting memories. 

To read more about Charlie’s incredible journey, check out the 2023 Ambassador Page on our website. We at COTS look forward to checking in and following along with Charlie’s coming adventures.


~ With love, your friends at COTS


Living Life To Its Fullest: Meet Mira!


Meet our 2023 Ambassador: Charlie