Meet our Adler University Graduate Interns, Alex and Kenneth!

Since February, Alex and Kenneth have been a part of the COTS team in their graduate education program with Adler University. Alex and Kenneth are both studying to be clinical counsellors and have recently been helping COTS update our website and communications platforms to streamline and enhance outreach and content creation. Be sure to visit our website to see COTS’ new look, launching in September!  

Surprisingly, Alex and Kenneth each moved to Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic; Kenneth from California and Alex from Arizona. Both have found the adjustment to Vancouver’s climate challenging but agree that British Columbia is beautiful.  

Kenneth is an artist of many mediums, with professional experience in photography, graphic and website design, and more. He was drawn to the field of counselling after volunteering as an artist with a local Hospice and training service animals for people with autism. Kenneth enjoys exploring nature, taking photographs, and catching up on his Netflix in his spare time. Thank you so much for leading the redesign of our website, Kenneth!  

Alex is a pediatric occupational therapist who works with neurodiverse children and youth. She has always wanted to pursue further education in family psychotherapy to serve this client population better and Adler has been a great fit. Alex loves enjoying Vancouver’s natural beauty and can often be found walking the SeaWall or enjoying a good book in one of the city’s many parks or beaches.


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